Friday, May 10, 2013

We Work for Compliments!!!

I love when another adult enters my classroom and says, "Wow, we didn't realize there were students in the room.  Everyone is working so quietly."  Or, "Your class was the best behaved in the cafeteria today!"  Any kind of compliment makes me feel like I achieved something even though it was my students who were successful.

To encourage this feeling of achievement, I tell my students that we work for compliments.  Yes, it is their job, but it's the easiest one they'll ever have.  I explain that all they need to do is follow the rules and adults in the school will notice.  After receiving a few compliments by following directions, I always look at them and say, "I told you so. Easy, Peasy."  The only catch is that I cannot be the one delivering compliments - of course I think their wonderful, so it's not really fair.  The trick is to show everyone else in the school how great they can be. 

Usually I have a Compliment Chain I hang over the door.  For every compliment I add a link with the date and the person's name who delivered the compliment.  Once the chain reaches the floor, I give the whole class a reward: Fun Friday, Munchkin Party, Movie, etc. 

Though I love my chain, it's so easy (and cheap).  I'm visually drawn to Miss Molly's Compliment Jar.  Same idea, just seems a lot cuter.


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