Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Teaching Philosophy, Ideas, & Thouhghts

Well, I've been told repeatedly I need a teaching philosophy - a page or two of my thoughts on teaching and learning.  They asked me to create my personal philosophy during my own education. Being the obsessive and overachieving student I am,  I spent hours hypothesizing, researching, creating, editing, and compiling an articulate article of my teaching expectations.  Now after some experience, I do realize the importance of a teaching philosophy, but see it in a different light. 

My teaching philosophy is no longer two double spaced pages of argued ideas.  It's merely a few words used to ground my beliefs and behavior in the classroom.   The key character words I hope to demonstrate everyday.

1. Enthusiasm, I hope to remain enthusiastic about the learning process.  Passing this passion and eagerness to my students.

2. Creativity, I hope to remain creative in my teaching approach.  Not to settle for mediocre, but continually strive for new and unique ideas to motivate and engage students.

3. Organization, I hope to find and maintain an organizational strategy in the classroom that eliminates wasted time.  I want to teach, not rifle through lost papers and search for missing items.

4. Flexibility, I hope to remember that no amount of planning and organization can account for life surprises.  Breath, relax, have a giggle, and move on with another fantastic idea.

5. Compassion, I hope to always remember the unique differences of my students and meet their needs with heart and humor.

The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.  ~William Arthur Ward

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