Saturday, May 25, 2013

Thank You... Secret Walker

One of my biggest pet peeves is a noisy class running by disrupting every classroom in its' hurricane of noise.   I can't explain why it grates my nerves so much, but it does.  Probably because as I listen to the stampede of pounding rubber on linoleum floor and the flutter of high-pitched squeals and giggles I lose all train of thought - my fabulously organized and animated lesson replaced with my ever-famous blank stare (my physiological response to any type of sudden confusion).

So...  I really want the class left in my charge to follow appropriate hallway etiquette: quiet, facing forward, hands at your sides, etc.  I might even be on the cusp of militant on this point, but again it's a personal quirk.

Thanks to Amy over at What Happens in First Grade, I found the simplest and most effective tool in managing students' behavior in the hallway: The Mystery Walker.  I called it My Secret Walker, but what's in a name?

It was amazing how well this worked, without purchasing a thing (at first).  The first day I implemented My Secret Walker I explained to the students that I was thinking of a number between 1-18, the students each had a designated number in the classroom.  If the coinciding student behaved appropriately in the hallways and during special, they would earn 5 minutes of free-time for the class.  What an immediate effect!!!  I turned and stifled a laugh as 18 tiny faces transformed into set determination... they really wanted those 5 minutes.    So off we went, in perfect formation, to gym.  As we entered, the students waited patiently for directions rather than running wildly about the open space.  With a simple nod of my head they found there designated spots and sat down.  When the gym teacher threw a questioning glance my way, I quietly explained the rules of "My Secret Walker."

I've used the strategy ever since, even when I substitute teach... amazing!

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